Sinorhizobium fredii NGR234

Motif Information

Enter gene name
e.g. NGR_c00240

fredii NGR234 fraction p-value 1.0e-4 to 9.9e-4
fredii NGR234 fraction p-value 1.0e-5 to 9.9e-5
fredii NGR234 fraction p-value 1.0e-6 to lower p-values

Prediction of regulatory networks

This app for hypothetical or experimental data displays a cytoscape graph showing a genetic circuitry from a stimulon at the desired low (p-value 1e-4), medium (p-value 1e-5) or high stringency (p-value 1e-6 to lowers p-values) from the motif information table, the option "auto" searches firstly with the highest then with the medium and finally with the low level of stringency, showing data with the highest stringency p-value.

Paste a list of transcriptional regulators (left) and a list of genes (one per line) including the transcriptional regulators (right)

fredii NGR234 auto
fredii NGR234 fraction p-value 1.0e-4 to 9.9e-4
fredii NGR234 fraction p-value 1.0e-5 to 9.9e-5
fredii NGR234 fraction p-value 1.0e-6 to lower p-values (faster)

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